Archive | July, 2011

coming soon…

14 Jul

Hello friends and fannes! I just wanted to let everyone know that soon and very soon a new post will be appearing that is sure to catch your attention. It’s taking me a bit more time than usual, as I’m doing some very specific research relating to a certain book and a certain film and some certain discrepancies.

This is investigative journalism at its finest.

Other than that, I’m enjoying a rainy and cold winter evening here in the ever-exciting, effervescent, and entertaining South America.


-big sis

PS: I will gladly accept donations of new “e” words…

I feel her pain…

8 Jul

Can I just say, that I totally get the need for Susan Baker now?

My job this summer is working with a sort of day camp.  We have 8 kids ranging in age from 18 months to 12 years old and we travel all over New York City with them, some of their moms and more strollers than should be allowed on a single subway train. It’s intense.

I’ve never understood why Anne needed Susan to help run her family of 9 until now.  We usually have 4 adults to 7 children and it’s still hectic!  Now sure, Anne wasn’t taking the kids to the Central Park Zoo or dealing with the 6 train at rush hour.  And I’m guessing strollers have come a long way since then, which is probably both a good and bad thing.

All this to say, I’ve never had kids and our family is a fairly normal size (not to be confused with fairly normal…) so I just didn’t get it…until now.  Kids are exhausting.  And sometimes they drive you crazy.

But it’s also totally worth it…which is why tomorrow morning I’ll get up, find out if my sick 9 year old is feeling better, make sure my 4 year old eats half her bagel, do my best to keep the 7 and 3 year old brothers from sitting next to each other during our Hebrew lesson..and love (almost) every second of it.

I sang a baby to sleep the other night.  I can put up with anything for that!

little sis